SUBJECT: Public Health Directive #6
1. While COVID-19 infection rates are once again increasing around the world, the key to our continued success will be sustained discipline; we must not lose sight of the risk this pandemic poses and must continue to fight its spread. Public Health Directives 1-5 are hereby rescinded and replaced by this Directive. This Directive is effective immediately, and applies to all military members of Vandenberg AFB regardless of location, as well as civilian employees, dependents, retirees, contractors, and any persons on the installation for any reason.
2. Based on contact tracing here at Vandenberg AFB, we have determined the virus spreads more easily when individuals are in close contact, indoors, without face coverings. Consequently, new infections are more common when extended family and close friends travel and gather indoors at a private residence, increasing the potential for exposure. Consistent with CDC efforts to mitigate widespread infection rates throughout the holiday season, the 30 MDG has implemented a targeted surveillance-testing program at the clinic to test individuals following such gatherings. This test is available to anyone with base access, including civilians, contractors, and dependents. Sq/CCs and Directors have the authority to direct individuals get tested before returning to the work center. Tested individuals will be automatically "cleared" to return to duty assuming test results do not indicate COVID+. However, even "cleared" individuals should proceed with caution as test results depend on viral loads and incubation periods which vary. Leadership teams are encouraged to contact the Medical Control Center (MCC) at 805-606-9566 or the appointment line at 805-606-CARE (-2273) to facilitate testing, or to speak with Public Health for additional guidance.
3. The following measures are mandatory to protect the health of everyone on Vandenberg AFB. Exceptions for mission- and service-essential activities must be approved at the Sq/CC or Director level.
a. Physical Distancing and Limited Gatherings. All individuals are to maintain a minimum of 6 feet distance from other individuals and utilize face coverings, whether indoors or outdoors.
i. Unofficial Gatherings (private) are limited to 10 people indoors or 25 people outdoors. At this time, no waivers or allowances will be approved.
ii. Official Gatherings (unit-sponsored) are limited to 50 people (whether indoors or outdoors). However, indoor events should include formalized processes (such as designated seating) to assist with physical distancing, and minimizing close contacts. Waivers may be granted on a case-by-case basis after consultation with Public Health and approval by the Installation Commander.
iii. Gatherings at Key Facilities (Chapel, AAFES, DECA, PCC, Fitness Center, other FSS) have established and proven procedures with capacities previously coordinated by Public Health. No change is directed at this time.
b. Report Adverse Health Status. Contact tracing has also generated a number of quarantines due to individuals who reported for duty even though they were experiencing adverse health conditions. Anyone experiencing adverse health conditions should contact their leadership teams and seek medical guidance from their primary care provider before entering the work center.
i. Any individual experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19 (fever of greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell) must report symptoms to the MCC, after seeking care from their primary care provider.
ii. Any individual that has tested positive for COVID-19, at any location, must contact the MCC to facilitate Public Health’s effort to track the virus.
c. Masks. Consistent with CDC and local area guidelines, all personnel on Vandenberg AFB shall wear a cloth face covering or face mask that covers the nose and mouth at all times. The latest information on mask efficacy is available at
i. Sq/CCs or Directors may authorize the temporary removal of face coverings within their work centers, but should exercise extreme discretion before doing so (e.g., mission requirements, members working alone in an office, coworkers of hearing impaired employees, or the face covering poses a safety hazard in the performance of duties). Security Forces personnel may require the momentary lowering of face covers to verify identification. Additionally, personnel with underlying health conditions that prohibit the wear of a face covering must acquire medical documentation from a health care provider outlining such a condition and the restrictions the condition places on wear of a face covering.
ii. Exempted from this directive are persons in their personal residence (except for those who are ill or have otherwise been directed to wear a face covering by a medical professional), persons in their personal vehicles (alone or with family members), persons exercising outdoors (provided there is enough physical distance between the person exercising and others), and children under two years of age.
d. Travel. Travel outside the home must take into consideration the risks of COVID-19 spread. In assessing travel, both official and personal, I encourage all members of Team Vandenberg to consider the nature of the threat we are facing, to both our community and our mission. Any individual who travels to a highly infected area and fails to take proper precautions and then returns to Vandenberg AFB places the entire community at a higher risk of infection (see para 2).
i. Unofficial Travel (leave and pass). The local area is defined as the State of California. However, military members must have Sq/CC or Director approval to travel to or through Los Angeles County (in leave or pass status) or outside the state of California (leave status required). Before approving any travel requests, Sq/CCs and Directors will conduct a risk assessment of the health status and travel itinerary for military members and determine if testing is warranted prior to reintegration into the work center. Key considerations include the health risks associated with the nature and location of any planned activities throughout the period of travel. Furthermore, commanders and supervisors must establish a means of communication with all military members throughout the period of travel. While civilian travel cannot be restricted, civilian employees should report to their supervisor and the MCC if they believe they were exposed to COVID-19 during their travel.
ii. Official Travel (PCS/TDY). To determine if an installation is open for official travel, visit: Official travel from or to an installation that is not open for official travel will still require an exception to policy in accordance with the Secretary of Defense guidance.
e. Telework. Commanders retain the flexibility to grant telework status to unit personnel based on mission requirements and work center physical distancing options. Commanders are encouraged to implement "crew-style" rotations to minimize the chance that a single person becoming sick could cause significant mission impact. Vulnerable civilian employees (as defined by current CDC guidelines) may utilize the reasonable accommodation process with assistance from Employee/Management Relations (805-606-5847).
f. Disciplined Personal Hygiene. Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using >60% alcohol hand sanitizer; avoid touching eyes/nose/mouth; no handshaking; sneeze/cough using facial tissue or the crook of your elbow; no sharing of food, drink, towels, or utensils.
g. Close Contacts. Do everything possible to make it difficult for the COVID-19 virus by minimizing close contact with others. The CDC currently defines close contact as being within 6 feet of someone with the virus for a cumulative total of 15 minutes (or more) over a 24-hour period. See more information at Additionally, increase ventilation (run fans, open windows/doors, meet outside), minimize size/frequency/duration of in-person meetings, and routinely clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces.
h. Follow Public Health Orders. Strict adherence to measures directed by the PHEO is mandatory.
i. If ordered or directed into quarantined, or isolated status, remain exclusively at your residence or other appropriate domicile and follow any related instructions. Exercise disciplined personal hygiene and physical distancing, self-monitor, report worsening symptoms to your primary care provider, and call 9-1-1 for any medical emergencies.
ii. Commanders and Directors are authorized and accountable to temporarily restrict the movement of any individual in their organization, consistent with the definitions identified in the "COVID-19 Public Health Risk Categories," signed by the PHEO. When taking such action, commanders, or their designated representative, will call the MCC to coordinate with the PHEO, who will determine whether isolation or quarantine is required.
iii. Dormitory residents are subject to the policy and procedures outlined in the VAFB Dorm Residents Policy COVID-19 memorandum.
4. This memorandum is directive and will terminate when directed by the 30 SW/CC, in consultation with the PHEO. Any person who refuses to obey or otherwise violates its provisions may be detained and turned over to military or civilian authorities. For military members, violations are punishable under the UCMJ. For all personnel, violations are punishable under the United States Code (USC), to include 18 USC 1001, 18 USC 1382, and 42 USC 271. Additionally, any personnel who fail to adhere to this memorandum or subsequent orders may be subject to debarment (denied access to the installation).