24-Hour Arrival Point
The Vandenberg Lodge Reception Desk, Bldg. 13005, has been designated the base's 24-hour arrival point. To reach the Lodge from the main gate, proceed on California Boulevard to the first fork in the road and bear right onto Oregon Avenue. Go through the stop sign and the Lodge is clearly identified on the left approximately one-half block away.
Checking In
After checking in at the Lodge you should contact your sponsor and report to your orderly room. Further inprocessing procedures will be explained at the orderly room.
House Hunting Permissive TDY
Contact your gaining unit for details before visiting the local area prior to your permanent change-of-station move. The governing directive is Air Force Instruction 36-3003 and the office of primary responsibility is the Customer Service Office at 805-606-2276, or DSN 276-2276.
The Vandenberg Lodging office, Bldg. 13005 on Oregon Avenue, is open 24 hours a day. Reservation requests for families in permanent change of station status are made on a first come, first served basis. The staff confirms reservations if space is available. Make reservation requests early. Incoming and outgoing families are entitled up to 30 days of lodging if space is available. The Lodging number is 805-606-1844, or DSN 276-1844.
Military Family Housing
The Housing office is located in Building 13001 and can be reached by following the directions to the Lodging Front desk listed above.
Balfour Beatty Communities Military Housing is the private sector developer for the Vandenberg Air Force Military Housing Privatization Project. The 50-year term of the project commenced on Nov 1, 2007 with a six-year initial development period that includes the design, construction and/or renovation as well as the overall management, maintenance and operational responsibilities for an estimated 867 end-state housing units with project costs of approximately $163 million. For additional information on housing at Vandenberg, go to the Balfour Beatty Communities website www.vandenbergfamilyhousing.com, or call (805) 734-1445.
What to Bring:
Bring enough uniforms, toiletries, and living essentials to meet your needs until your unaccompanied baggage arrives. Your current Military Personnel Flight or Traffic Management Office will brief you regarding items that cannot be shipped. Don't forget to bring along important documents, like marriage and birth certificates, legal, immunization records, insurance policies, banking, and military documents, etc.
Current as of October 14, 2021