30th Logistics Readiness Squadron (30 LRS)

Mission: Keep it moving!

Vision: Empowered Airmen Equipped to Execute

Squadron Priorities

  1. Care for our Airmen: Take care of yourself and each other - maintain Spiritual, Mental, Physical & Social balance. Treat everyone with dignity and respect 
  2. Execute Today’s Mission: Keep it moving! Provide safe, effective, compliant customer service to both internal and external customers
  3. Innovate for the Future: Be steadfast in finding ways to improve in order to ensure future success, not only for the LRS but for the US Air Force and Space Force

1. Foster a climate of respect for all

  • Discrimination, harassment, and unprofessional relationships are unacceptable
  • Build our team - only through collaboration and seeking everyone’s contribution will we succeed
  • Hold yourself and others accountable - admit to, own, and overcome mistakes

2. Ownership

  • No matter where you are, show ownership in your duties, responsibilities, and workspace
  • Being a leader doesn’t depend on rank - don’t confuse rank with authority
  • Take responsibility - prioritize and execute

3. Solve Problems

  • Communicate up, down, and across; follow up
  • Ask questions to eliminate assumptions and understand the why
  • Uphold standards, ID noncompliance and seek waivers where it makes sense
  • Fix the problem, not the blame

4. Adhere to Air Force Core Values

  • Integrity First                                     Be Honest
  • Service Before Self                           Be A Team Player
  • Excellence in All We Do                    Be the Expert in Your Area

1. Execute the Mission - Keep it moving: get the right thing to the right place at the right time
2. Lead - communicate, uphold standards, engage on Quality of Life, train and develop
3. Manage Resources - be good stewards of what we have, advocate for where there are gaps
4. Improve - Accelerate Change or Lose: good enough today will fail tomorrow!

"Prothymia ad Astra"

Current as of February 23, 2023