Provide robust, relevant and efficient range and spaceport capabilities for the nation.
To be the enduring Range of Choice for current and future Launch and Test customers.
Promote – Provide – Protect
Vandenberg was originally established in 1941 as Camp Cooke near Lompoc, Calif. The camp was an Army training center for armored and infantry troops.
Transferred to the Air Force in 1957, Vandenberg began its transformation into a space and missile test facility. In a relatively remote location, Vandenberg offers an ideal location for safely testing intercontinental ballistic missiles as well as launching satellites into polar orbit without flying over populated areas.
Vandenberg launched the world's first polar orbiting satellite, the Discoverer 1, a cover for America's first photo reconnaissance program in 1958.
Vandenberg Air Force Base was renamed to Vandenberg Space Force Base on May 14, 2021.
The Installation
The Space Launch Delta 30, Vandenberg's host unit, supports West Coast launch activities for the Space Force, Department of Defense, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, national programs and various private industry contractors. The Delta supports the processing and launch of a variety of expendable vehicles including Atlas V, Delta IV, Delta II, Pegasus, Minotaur, Taurus and Falcon. The Delta also supports Force Development and Evaluation of all intercontinental ballistic missiles, as well as Missile Defense Agency (MDA) test and operations.
Major tenant units at Vandenberg SFB include the Combined Force Space Component Command, Space Operations Command, 576th Flight Test Squadron, Missile Defense Agency, 381st Training Group, National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
At more than 99,000 acres, the base contains some of the highest quality coastal habitat remaining in central California.
With a wealth of valuable cultural and ecological treasures, the base is recognized for leading the way in protecting and preserving its 42 miles of pristine coastline, 9,000 acres of sand dunes, 5,000 acres of wetlands, more than 1,600 irreplaceable prehistoric archeological resources, 14 rock art sites, a National Historic Landmark, five Native American villages, a National Historic Trail, 26 Cold War-era complexes, and protecting and monitoring more than 15 different endangered or threatened species.
Vandenberg Facts
99,578 acres
2.84 mile runway
465 facilities
Approximately 7,000+ range operations per year
Approximately 2,000 launches to date
Current as of October 14, 2021