Flatten The Curve
Our goal is to keep the spread of the virus at a manageable rate so our local medical providers can continue to provide the services upon which we all depend. This is called, “Flatten the Curve,” a strategy designed to best manage the spread of the virus for the sake of our entire community. The attachment is a graphical representation of this strategy.
A big part of “Flatten the Curve” is reducing the spread of germs--cover coughs and sneezes with a handkerchief, sleeve, or arm (try not to use your hand), wipe down frequently touched surfaces like keyboards, doorknobs, and tabletops with disinfecting wipes, and stay home if you’re sick. Furthermore, continue to use alternate forms of greeting, like fist bumps or elbow bumps (no handshaking or high fives). Continue to employ social distancing whenever possible (6 feet). This is how all of you can help “Flatten the Curve.