VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- The 381st Training Group recently held an observance event to in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., here, Jan. 13.
Attendees were provided the opportunity to reflect on Dr. King’s long-lasting impact and his contributions to our nation.
“Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed in achieving racial equality and justice through the use of non-violent demonstrations,” said Tech. Sgt. Allen Young, 30th Civil Engineer Squadron exterior electrical NCOIC and event coordinator. “To this day, we still see hate crimes of all races happening. Taking a moment to observe MLK day reminds us that we still have much work to do. This is not a day off but rather a day on. MLK valued love. If we take the time to love one another and show kindness, that will open the door to many possibilities. We must not forget that.”
Reverend Darrell Tullis, preacher, equated those serving in today’s military to the personification of a key line in Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech.
“Those of you who put on the military uniform are not only deeply rooted in the American Dream, you are actually living it,” said Tullis. “You are the embodiment of Dr. King’s dream. You have come from all over the United States and left your homes in search of a dream, a career, or even an education.”
Dr. King’s pursuit for equality and love for one another is still evident nearly 50 years later, even in today’s military.
“I think it’s vital for Team V personnel to observe this day,” said Master Sgt. Lashandra Denson, 30th CES engineering flight superintendent and event coordinator. “Because of Dr. King’s vision, we as a military can serve this nation together, side by side regardless of race, religion or gender. Dr. King’s values and messages are just as important and relevant today as they were back then. May we never forget the contributions of his legacy, and remember to continue to encourage equality for all people so that his dream is forever evolving.”
‘The Dream’ continues to evolve today, thanks in large part to those passing on Dr. King’s stories and teaching to the next generation.
“MLK Day for me personally reminds me how far we’ve come as a nation,” said Denson. “It also gives me strength to continue to do my part to ensure the ‘Promise Land’ Dr. King spoke of in his final speech, is a reality for my daughter and that she understands that she also needs to carry that torch for future generations.”