DTO Spotlight: New Project Management Software on the Horizon

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Ryan Quijas
  • Space Launch Delta 30 Public Affairs

Managing projects without a central information location dedicated to a specific project can be difficult, time consuming, and allows information to be lost or siloed with one person. The information required for even small updates is extensive, difficult to collect, and currently spread across multiple individuals with their own trackers.

The Consolidated Award and Management of Projects (CAMP) app provides a simplified way to input cumbersome data and will provide a single data source, which will be accessible to supervisors and leadership primarily through real-time dashboards at all times.

The data and dashboards, the end goal of being Strategic Tracking and Reporting of CAMP (STAR CAMP), will also start the collection of data backed knowledge to determine the bottlenecks and create targeted efforts to fix issues on current and future projects. The Collaborative Space for Project Award and Management (C-SPAM) ensures each project has a project email which inherently organizes the overabundance of emails. Once an item, such as a contract, is awarded, 90% of the documentation submitted by contractors is automatically filed and filed identically across contracts and projects, streamlining processes going forward.

“C-SPAM is tailor-made to consolidate the routine day-to-day tasks that project management and contracting deal with,” said Jordan Hampton, 30th Civil Engineer Squadron project execution chief. “CAMP would go a long way to allowing us to keep up with the high workload while currently understaffed.”

While C-SPAM has been up and running for projects in years past, CAMP is in beta testing for inputting projects this year and is expected to be fully operational later this fiscal year.

“I really enjoy efficiency improvements and love all the opportunities available to us through the power platform,” said Ainsley Allen, 30th Civil Engineer Squadron project manager.  “Getting to work on C-SPAM and CAMP has been a lot of fun and a huge learning curve in a good way.”

The combination of STAR CAMP and C-SPAM applications create a type of custom project management software that limits costs by using resources already available, such as Power Automate, Power Apps, SharePoint, and Power BI.