The measurement of a good leader

  • Published
  • By Mark Farias
  • 30th Civil Engineer Squadron
Leadership...what is it? Leadership is a performing art. Are leaders born or made? We are all born with what we have, what we do with that is up to us. So, who's a leader?

Leadership isn't a title. There's no box for leadership on an organizational chart. Leadership isn't a degree, an award, a position or an office on the top floor.

True leadership is none of these. Leadership is getting people inspired and focused. It's getting people to believe in something even if they can't believe in themselves. It's getting people to do something they didn't think they could. It's getting people to dig deeper inside themselves than they've ever done before. And it's getting people to achieve greatness as a team!

Leaders transform values into actions, visions into realities, obstacles into innovations, separation into solidarity and risk into rewards.

More than anything, people want leaders who are credible. Credibility is the currency on which leadership is based. It is truly the gold standard. It's earned minute by minute, hour by hour, month by month and year by year. Our people know credible leaders when they see them:

· They practice what they preach
· They walk the walk
· They talk the talk
· They put their money where their mouth is
· They follow through on promises
· They do what they say they will do

The fundamentals of leadership are the same today as they've been for centuries. Great leadership is an understandable and universal process. Though each leader is unique, there are patterns to the practice of leadership that are shared and can be learned.

Great leaders find a balance between results and the means of achieving them. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that getting results is all there is to the job. Your real job is to get results AND to do it in a way that makes your organization a great place to work.

Leadership is a relationship. Leadership is personal. Leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow. Lasting success depends upon whether we like, as well as trust and respect our leaders. Our people want to be led...not misled!

The awesome power of leadership is demonstrated when your people do what has to be done, not through fear of punishment, but through the fear of disappointing you. THAT is leadership; that is influence.

As a leader you've got to remember that you are onstage every day. Your people are always watching you. Everything you do; everything you say and the way you say it sends off clues to your team. These clues affect performance.

Leaders are the example. When it's pouring, you have to carry the umbrella and protect your people from the negative storms outside the organization. You must lead with a smile, even when there's nothing to smile about. You must lead with passion, even when you're worn down and the sunrise seems far in the distance.

Leaders set the tone and the pace for the people working for them and those around them. Leaders need to be what they want to see. You have to lead from your heart. Your behavior determines the culture.

A leader's most powerful ally is his or her own example!

Followers are shaped by their leaders. They are influenced by their leader's values. They adopt their work habits and emulate their habits. We must always be aware of our own conduct before criticizing the people who work for us. If you don't like what your people are doing, first take a look at yourself.

Remember, our charge carries the greatest responsibility imaginable, liberty and freedom for our nation. After more than 200 years, America is the world's most powerful and positive force for change and democracy, and you are its agent. The eyes of the world are always on us. Right now, you have influence and the power to make a difference where it matters most ... with your people.