VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Great leadership resides at the heart of any organization. A great leader is selfless in his or her managerial approach. A great leader knows their subordinate’s personal and professional goals as if they were their own. A great leader is available for guidance or mentorship at a moment’s notice. One thing a great leader can’t provide is success, but they’ll do everything in their power to prepare someone to flourish in their personal and professional life.
Maj. Brian Dea, 614th Air Operations Center chief of current operations, is a great leader.
Dea was recently awarded the Lance P. Sijan nomination at the USSTRATCOM level, and will soon compete at the Air Force level. The Sijan award, one of the most prestigious honors one can obtain, is presented to those who go above and beyond as leaders.
“The Lance P. Sijan award recognizes the accomplishments of those who demonstrate the highest qualities of leadership in the performance of their duties and the conduct of their lives,” said Dea. “When I found out that I was the USSTRATCOM Sijan winner, I was completely taken off guard. I wasn’t expecting this at all.”
Within the confines of the Joint Space Operations Center, Dea played a crucial role in national security.
“During the award period, I served as the CCO in the JSpOC floor,” said Dea. “In this capacity, I lead my ops crew to execute employment of joint space forces and integrate space power into global military ops on behalf of the JFCC Space commander. At the same time, my crew was responsible for rapid reporting to USSTRATCOM and the highest level of U.S. national leadership.”
Despite the nomination having his name on it, Dea attributes the significant achievement to those around him who helped shape the man he is today.
“Any success or recognition I receive is due to the investment of others in my life,” said Dea. “I strive to be a person of faith where God is my strength. I’m blessed to have wonderful parents who taught me the value of service to others. My wife Faith is my best encourager and keeps everything going in our family, especially since I’m away often. I have a long list of commanders, enlisted leaders, and personal mentors that have impacted my life. In the end, this is less about me and more about those who have invested in me.”
Dea’s peers concur with his nomination, citing his incredible work ethic and never give up attitude.
“Major Dea represents the qualities seen in Sijan by his willingness to always put his crew member’s needs ahead of his own and his relentless focus on ensuring mission success,” said Col. Michael Manor, 614th AOC commander. “His excellence is reflected in his crew winning the Air Force Association Outstanding Space Operations Crew award, and the positive impact he’s had on the entire JSpOC team’s work ethic, enthusiasm, and teamwork. Lance P. Sijan reminds us that one person’s grit, determination, and sacrifice when faced with the most difficult of situations can have a lasting impact on generations. We should all strive to live up to his example every single day, and I’m proud of the job Major Dea has done to live up to Sijan’s legacy.”
In addition to all the qualities a great leader possesses, their biggest contribution is the development of future leaders. Dea believes he is a product of the leaders before him, and will stop at nothing to produce leaders that will succeed him.
“I personally believe that leadership is about helping and influencing people,” said Dea. “Even with all the technological advances of our time, leadership still comes down to people helping and influencing other people. Furthermore, we live in a world that desperately needs leaders to make a positive difference in the lives of others. I know that I am where I am because of the leaders in my life.”