Pay TRICARE Prime enrollment fees online

  • Published
  • By Tyler Patterson
  • TriWest Healthcare Alliance
Would you like to set up online, automatic payments for your TRICARE enrollment fees and never worry about a late or missed payment? Need to make a one-time, last-minute TRICARE enrollment fee payment?

Either way, the tools can be found online at TriWest's ePay site,

ePay, TriWest's electronic payment system, makes it easy for registered users to set up ongoing, automatic payments in just a few minutes. You'll have the option of establishing an allotment from your retired military pay, or creating an electronic funds transfer from the financial institution of your choice.

To sign up for ePay, just visit and either sign up online, or print the ePay form and send it in.

Sign Up Online

Register on to get started right away. Account creation takes only a few minutes and gives you access to many other convenient options like paperless statements, secure webmail, QuickAlert e-mail updates for important account information, and electronic referral and authorization letters. Once you're registered, just log in, choose "Make a Payment" and fill in your information. Select whether it is a one-time or recurring payment and you're finished!

Sign Up by Mail

Click "Find A Form" from the Quick Links section to download an allotment or electronic funds transfer authorization form. Print it, fill it out, sign it and mail it with your initial fee payment to:

TriWest Healthcare Alliance Corp
P.O. Box 43590
Phoenix, AZ 85080-3590

Learn more about ePay and electronic payments by visiting or calling 1-888-TRIWEST (874-9378).