We are one team

  • Published
  • By Ms. Peggy Moore-McCoy
  • Buckley Sexual Assault Prevention & Response
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) 24/7 Help Line rings and the person on the other end of the line identifies himself as active duty, needing information and guidance on reporting options, procedures, and available services. He wants to know who can help him with his problem because, although he is stationed on the Air Force base, he is an Army member. At the same base, another call comes in from a National Guard member. At other installations, the SAPR Help Line may receive calls from a member of the Air Force Reserves, the local National Guard unit, or active duty Air Force.

These scenarios are not unusual for today's military because of our changing missions. Air Force personnel may be stationed on Army posts; Navy installations may host Air Force and Army personnel as well as Marines. Some installations support members of all our military services and components. It is important at installations, where members of differing services often work side-by-side, that Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines know they will be helped if a sexual assault occurs. DoD civilians can also call the SARC and assisted with the transition to civilian healthcare, law enforcement, and/or other support resources. If they aren't eligible

DoD's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program is intended to assist all military personnel. To this end, the base Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) will respond to any Member seeking assistance. Active duty victims have two reporting options. Depending on other factors and circumstances, personnel not in active status may have additional options. A Member, no matter where he/she is stationed, should not have to think about who to call if they have been assaulted. They should feel confident that they can contact the SARC.

The key is the initial response offered by the SARC. No military person is told he/she has contacted the wrong agency because of their military affiliation. There is no division of care and services. Once the SARC responds, assistance can be offered based on individual needs, military status, and type of report.

Active duty personnel have two reporting options, Restricted and Unrestricted. Under a Restricted Report, no investigation is triggered, the victim's information is kept confidential, and the chain of command is not notified. The SARC will assign a Victim Advocate to assist the survivor through all areas of the process, and help the survivor get the assistance and care they need, from both military and civilian helping agencies.

With an Unrestricted Report, an investigation is triggered and the chain of command is notified. A Victim Advocate is assigned by the SARC and information on all available services is provided.

Anyone needing information or wanting to report an incident should contact the installation SARC.