Transition support Published Nov. 10, 2010 By Brian P. Smith TriWest Healthcare Alliance VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Families facing deployments and those looking forward to homecomings face challenges. These challenges are different, but they both revolve around change. Change is not always easy, but there are tools and resources that can help military families cope with making transitions. You and your family have access to a variety of medical and non-medical counseling and behavioral health options through TRICARE and Department of Defense programs. When you are struggling with stress and family and change - wouldn't it be great to find help that fits your schedule? What if you could schedule that help around an injury, an illness, your job or other obligations? At home or online, there are tools and programs to help you. TRICARE Assistance Program Anytime of the day or night, when it's convenient for you, contact TriWest Online Care over the phone (1-888-TRIWEST), or online chat ( for behavioral health information and crisis intervention. You can also ask about the TRICARE Assistance Program (online videoconferencing) for one-on-one non-medical counseling. It is: · Non-reportable (except as required by law) · Private · Free The phone and chat options are available to all TRICARE beneficiaries. The online video option is available in the U.S. for: · Active duty service members and spouses · TRICARE Reserve Select enrollees · Those eligible for the Transitional Assistance Management Program · Eligible family members over the age of 18. You won't need a referral or prior authorization to talk to someone and you can use the service as many times as needed. Connect online from anywhere with an Internet connection and, for video, a webcam. If medical support or a higher level of care is needed, they can help you find the proper services. Self Assessments There may be times when you ask yourself, "are these feelings normal?" or "does anyone else feel this way?" Self-assessments are one way to help you identify potential concerns and start working on solutions. You can find anonymous assessments and other self-help resources for military members at: · TriWest's Behavioral Health Portal ( · · · Stress and change are parts of military life. When it feels like you're alone in your situation, there are resources as close as your phone or computer.