Finding TRICARE benefits online

  • Published
  • By Tyler Patterson
  • TriWest Healthcare Alliance
Does TRICARE cover acupuncture? No. What about urgent care? Yes. Is there a maternity benefit? Definitely.

Have more questions? You can find the answers quickly and easily online, at one of two convenient sources.

The first is TRICARE's official website, It's an excellent starting point for finding information about all aspects of your TRICARE benefit, from eligibility and plan selection, to specific information about your medical coverage. Just click "TRICARE Benefit Information" and enter some basic information to get started.

Your other option is the beneficiary portal on TriWest's website, There, you'll find information tailored for West Region service members and families, as well as:

· A searchable TRICARE benefits database
· Downloadable handbooks and brochures
· Printable forms
· TRICARE news

You can even register for a secure account and choose to receive QuickAlert updates about your TRICARE benefit usage, such as explanations of benefits, fee statements and referral and authorization letters, delivered straight to your e-mail inbox.

Be sure to visit or to learn more about your TRICARE benefit.