Stress on your schedule? Published June 1, 2010 By Brian P. Smith TriWest Healthcare Alliance VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Military families can seem to eat, sleep and breathe stress. Some days, it can just feel like...oh, hold on a second. Hello? Air conditioning is going to break at 10 p.m.? On a Saturday? That doesn't work for me at all. How about at 8 a.m. on a Tuesday? Oh, hold on - I have to take this other call. Hello? Toddler with a fever and an ear infection? No, sorry. That won't work; I'm all booked up until next Thursday. Thanks for calling. Challenges and conflicts are unplanned. Stress doesn't clock out at five, doesn't take a sick day and never asks when it is convenient. TriWest Online Care provides support needed and is available over the phone and online. Call, click or chat at anytime Anytime of the day or night, when it's convenient, contact TriWest Online Care over the phone at 1-888-TRIWEST, or online chat at for behavioral health information and crisis intervention. TriWest Online Care also uses online videoconferencing for one-on-one counseling that is: · Non-reportable · Private · Free · Non-medical. The phone and chat options are available to all TRICARE beneficiaries. The online video option is available in the U.S. for: · Active duty service members and spouses · TRICARE Reserve Select enrollees · Those eligible for the Transitional Assistance Management Program · Family members over the age of 18. No referrals required and services can be used as many times as needed. If medical support or a higher level of care is needed, they can help patrons find the proper services. TriWest Online Care has resources available to connect patrons with the support they need.