DELTA IV-HEAVY LAUNCHED FROM VANDENBERG Published Aug. 28, 2013 By 030813 VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif -- A United Launch Alliance Delta IV-Heavy rocket carrying a National Reconnaissance Office payload launched by team Vandenberg from Space Launch Complex-6 here Wednesday at 11:03 am PST. Col. Keith Balts, 30th Space Wing commander, was the launch decision authority. "The teamwork between the 30th Space Wing, the 4th Space Launch Squadron, the National Reconnaissance Office, United Launch Alliance, and numerous other agencies was outstanding," said Balts. "This is Vandenberg's equivalent of an air show or open house and our opportunity to share with the public. We are lucky enough to do this 10-11 times a year." This was the second Delta IV-Heavy for Vandenberg, with the first launch occurring Jan. 20, 2011 and is the largest rocket ever to launch from the West Coast of the United States.