Vandenberg Airman weds bride via video teleconference

  • Published
  • By 1st Lt. Angela Webb
  • 30th Space Wing Deputy Chief of Public Affairs
Being deployed thousands of miles away could not stop one Vandenberg Airman from marrying his Santa Maria sweetheart May 26. 

Senior Airman Carlos Moreno, 30th Security Forces Squadron, wed Carolina Garcia via teleconference from his deployed location in Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. 

Airman Moreno read about another military couple married by satellite and inquired to his squadron leader if he could do the same. 

After about a month of organizing at both ends, the couple was set to wed. 

A conference room on base surrounded by a small group of family and friends was the place she said her "I do's"; he was in a similar set-up joined by co-workers and friends. 

"I made sure to look my best for Carolina," Airman Moreno said, when questioned of how he prepared. "This is a big relief. This is something I wanted to do with Carolina, and I didn't realize how easy it was. I'm really happy." 

Another reason why the marriage was such a relief to Airman Moreno is because the couple is expecting their first child, who is due in October. He wanted to be able to provide medical care for both Carolina and the baby. 

"I'm happy that we will be able to take care of the baby now," said Carolina Moreno. "He is going to be a great father." 

Reverend Ruben Ramos of Santa Maria conducted the traditional vows for an untraditional wedding. 

"I have performed around 80 weddings, but this was a first for me," the Reverend said. "Although they couldn't hold hands or even have their kiss, it was still very special." 

The couple may have not been able to physically seal their vows with a kiss, but the couple did blow one another a kiss for the time being. 

The couple does plan to have their traditional church wedding when Airman Moreno returns. 

"We agreed that we will get married in a church and that I would pay for most of it," Airman Moreno said laughing. 

Airman Moreno conducts airfield security operations as a mobile fire team leader and is scheduled to return in August.