VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- It’s that time again. Historically, May through August is the peak season for both military and civilian personnel re-assignment. There are no guaranteed dates when it comes to having personal property packed and picked up during peak season due to certain conditions such as a decline in moving companies’ capacity, DoD budget cuts and other possible government inconveniences. The sooner you start working with the local Traffic Management Office the greater your chances of getting your desired pack out date.
Here are some helpful tips:
- Contact your local TMO once you receive signed permanent change of station orders. It is also recommended to attend the Smooth Move Briefing held by Airman & Family Readiness Center to get information regarding your upcoming move.
- In accordance with Air Force Instruction 24-602 version 4, all service members are required to receive a face-to-face Personal Property briefing.
- Plan your pack and pick-up dates.
- Find out what your weight entitlement is and if there are any restrictions to your new permanent duty station.
- Calculate an estimated weight for each authorized shipment.
- Determine what pack/pick-up dates work best for your schedule. Keep in mind your other out-processing appointments and not double booking. Note: The Joint Personal Property Shipping Office is requiring a minimum of 21 days advance notice from the date you submit your paperwork in Defense Personal Property System for local TMO review. The minimum days are subject to change, so be flexible on your pack/pick-up dates as they may change without any notice.
- Organize your belongings in advance. Go through all your household goods and separate your possession by shipment type. For example, household goods, unaccompanied baggage and others.
Keep in mind that when obtaining commercial transportation services, we are also competing with the civilian sector, which can be difficult during peak season. Here are some lessons learned from last year:
- Transportation Service Provider drivers cancelling at the last minute resorting to the local agent picking up and taking household goods to a local warehouse awaiting for the next available driver.
- TSP drivers showing up without enough space in their van. The remaining property is then picked-up locally awaiting for the next available van from the TSP.
- Increase of pick up by local agents due to saturation of nationwide drivers and equipment
- Normal packing hours are from 8 a.m. through 5 p.m., but there is a chance that after-hours packing and loading may occur.
- Rise in shipment delays, missing required delivery dates.
- Some TSPs will also declare "blackout" dates which means a time period that they can no longer accept any shipments. Normally declared about three weeks prior and historically between 15 Jun to 15 Jul.
Although some of this situations are unavoidable, we are closely monitoring them in order to initiate/request punitive actions against the carrier by JPPSO Colorado Springs, Colorado who has the administrative control over the commercial TSPs performance.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact our office at (805)606-0902 or via email at Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We are located in Bldg. 11777, Rm C-107 (C Wing).