VANDENBERG SPACE FORCE BASE, Calif. -- The U.S. Space Force conducted a relinquishment of command, redesignation, and assumption of command ceremony for the 614th Air and Space Communications Squadron and 65th Cyber Squadron on June 23, 2021, at Vandenberg SFB. In front of an audience at the Combined Space Operations Center, Lt. Col. Jontae McGrew relinquished command of the 614th ACOMS, which fell under Space Delta 5, followed by the redesignation of the squadron as the 65th CYS, which will now fall under Space Delta 6. After the redesignation portion of the ceremony, Lt. Col. Jason Thompson assumed command of the 65th CYS. Redesignating the 614th ACOMS as the 65th CYS follows a natural progression of aligning units by function and creating a “flatter” organization after the stand-up of the U.S. Space Force on Dec. 19, 2019. Space Delta 6, located at Schriever Air Force Base, Colo., was established and activated July 24, 2020, and is responsible for providing assured access to space through the $6.8 billion Air Force Satellite Control Network and defensive cyberspace capabilities for space mission systems. The 65th CYS assumes a new mission of defending the computer systems and networks used by Space Delta 5 and the CSpOC against adversary actions in cyberspace.