Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


  • 30 FSS Change of Command

    U.S. Space Force Col. Mark Shoemaker, Space Launch Delta 30 commander, left, passes the 30th Force Support Squadron flag to U.S. Air Force Maj. Mary Gittings, 30th Force Support Squadron incoming commander, during the 30th FSS change of command ceremony at Vandenberg Space Force Base, Calif., July

  • Vandenberg Rainbow Resources

    The Rainbow Resources event focused on understanding pronouns and the healthcare disparities faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, such as discrimination and limited access to quality care. The event highlighted the importance of affirmative care packages, including using chosen names and pronouns, and

  • 100th Missile Defense Brigade Detachment 1 Change of Command

    U.S. Army Capt. Scott Hoffman, 100th Missile Defense Brigade Detachment 1 outgoing commander, far left, relinquished command of the GMD DET 1 to U.S. Army Capt. Jose Montalvo, 100th Missile Defense Brigade Detachment 1 incoming commander, far right, during a change of command ceremony at Vandenberg


    A Minotaur I rocket carrying an unarmed Mk21A reentry vehicle launches from Vandenberg Space Force Base, Calif., at 11:01 p.m. June 17, 2024. After attaining full operational capability, the Mk21A RV will be integrated on the nation’s intercontinental ballistic missile weapon system. The Mk21A

  • 30th Contracting Squadron Change of Command

    U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Nicholas Spear, 30th Contracting Squadron outgoing commander, relinquished command of the 30 CONS to U.S. Air force Maj. Corey Arruda, 30th Contracting Squadron incoming commander, during a change of command ceremony at Vandenberg Space Force Base, Calif., June 18, 2024. A

  • Vandenberg’s Newest Technical Sergeant Selectees

    The newest U.S. Air Force technical sergeant selectees pose for a photo during a Technical Sergeant Release Party at Vandenberg Space Force Base, Calif., June 18, 2024. Air Force officials have selected 6,914 staff sergeants for promotion to technical sergeant out of 35,328 eligible for a selection

  • Vandenberg Block Party

    The 30th Force Support Squadron’s threw its annual Neighborhood Block Party at Vandenberg Space Force Base. The Neighborhood Block Party consisted of vendors, agencies, companies, organizations, and nonprofits from the base and surrounding community that supported the event with activity booths,

  • 30th Operations Support Squadron Change of Command

    U.S. Space Force Col. Mark Shoemaker, Space Launch Delta 30 commander, left, passes the 30th Operations Support Squadron flag to U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Haley Homan, 30th Operations Support Squadron incoming commander, middle, during the 30th OSS change of command ceremony at Vandenberg Space Force