Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Space Launch Delta 30 EmblemSpace Launch Delta 30

Vandenberg Space Force Base is headquarters to Space Launch Delta 30. SLD 30 manages Department of Defense space and missile testing, placing satellites into polar orbit from the West Coast using expendable boosters (Falcon, Pegasus, Minotaur, and Atlas V), and supporting the Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Force Development Evaluation program.

SLD 30 - Staff Agencies

Tenant Units at Vandenberg SFB

U.S. Space Forces - Space (S4S)

Space Delta 1

Space Delta 5

9th Space Operations Squadron

17th Test Squadron

18th Space Defense Squadron

18th Intelligence Squadron

21st Space Operations Squadron

22d Space Operations Squadron - Detachment 1

30th Reconnaissance Squadron - Detachment 1

55th Combat Training Squadron

65th Cyberspace Squadron

100th Missile Defense Brigade

148th Space Operations Squadron

216th Space Control Squadron

377th Test and Evaluation Group

520th Software Maintenance Squadron

532d Training Squadron

533d Training Squadron

576th Flight Test Squadron

583d Missile Maintenance Squadron

614th Air Operations Element

614th Combat Training Squadron

Detachment 1, 1st Test and Evaluation Squadron

Detachment 1, 344th Training Squadron

Detachment 4, 17th Test Squadron